Lose Weight with The Paleo Diet: 5 Essential Points
Keto Burn Diet The Paleo diet is based on the dietary habits of our distant ancestors. They only had the option to choose natural food, food that is (almost) Keto Burn Diet unprocessed. Our ancestors only had access to foods that were in season, possibly to be eaten raw, and immediately findable in nature. In the Paleolithic diet, you follow these principles for slimming.
The Paleo diet is not really a diet in the strictest sense. It's more of a lifestyle. Here are 5 of the most important points for the Paleo diet, both useful if you are interested or if you want to follow it.
1. How does the Paleo
diet work?
After all, agriculture and livestock farming are a fairly recent development. In today's society, in fact, we eat too Keto Burn Diet much processed food, such as a lot of carbohydrates, grain and dairy. The fact that our dietary requirements, the same as those of the hunters and gatherers, do not correspond to the type of food we eat, may be the cause of the development of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
By following the Paleo diet you eat directly as humans have done for thousands of years. This allows your body to process food in line with its biological "setting". And of course a very positive point is that this lifestyle allows you to lose 1 to 2 kilos per week.
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